Iqra ! Read ! That was the first command of Allah SWT to Great Prophet Muhammad trough Jibril the foremost angel. It was great command as Muhammad was unliterary man. This great man would be the perfect mirror to all humankind later on. As we all know, literary rank used as a tool to show how advance the country is.
-calling session
just try it out !...
I have a dirty library-bathroom as on the up wall there laid many books, newspapers and any magazines I have read. Soekarno is not the only one; my brothers in law like to read while they shit. They like to read Intisari Magazine, collection of my father in law. Definitely all those magazines laid in a mess; it makes my mother in law going mad...
"Men, can not do something tidy..."
What so interesting in reading while shitting? It’s a little hard to explain, at least you can imagine to anywhere you like without going to go to there If I were in the middle of reading "Dibawah Bendera Revolusie" ( under revolutionary flag ) as if I were in Tjimahie district and asked to the peasant, Marhaen !
"No Sir, this is owned by my landlord "
"What about the tools ?"
"Those are all mine..."
" Then whose bulls are those ?"
"Those are mine as well..."
Ever since that time the Marhaenism was born, actually it is a branch of sosio-communism.
That is the sound of the releasing shit, and it makes you aware that you are still in the middle of shitting room.
Sometimes I have an idea that reading is just like drugs, it is addicted. Why is that so ? If I have my shitting time without any readings, it makes me nervous like don’t know what to do. It is just like an addiction right ? But this addiction is a good addiction indeed, it is better than smoking.
But still you have to aware, that you must to know the different between toilet paper and magazine paper. You can imagine if they both are exchanged each other, your reading collections soon will be shitty-smell. It is no funny at all if your bath room-Library is full of shitty-smell. No gain but pains, as you have to live with that shitty-smell...........
I shit, I read, and I wash